Construction Manager

This position will have responsibilities for:
  • Management of the on-site construction process, site safety, coordination of construction activities with the college / DASNY
  • Communications with the engineering and management teams.
  • Supported by the client program / project management, client engineering, client estimating and scheduling and client safety teams.

Ideal candidate will have:
  • 10 +/- years of construction experience with HVAC mechanical and control systems
  • Specific experience with Siemens systems
  • Direct experience with HVAC Renewables and/or Rehabs
  • Ability to coordinate and direct construction activities, and be located within a reasonable travel distance to the project site.
  • NYC borough resident preferred (Brooklyn based project)
  • Ability to clearly communicate with various stakeholders, departments, and local institutions
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Job Details
Brooklyn, United States
Job Type
15 AUG 2024
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