Harnessing the power of renewable energy has become a priority for many developed nations and the countries, and Europe is no exception. Spencer Ogden were selected by an industry leading corporation to source, recruit, and mobilise high-end technical talent for greenfield wind farm developments. Spencer Ogden became part of the supply chain that was responsible for building the energy provision that was aiming to protect future generations.
High-end technical skills are in serious demand across the entire renewable energy field. An evident lack of qualified talent has caused hiring managers to seach local and internationally based candidates. Europe as a collection of nations also requires high levels of compliance, which creates considerable challenges for flexible workforces. Migrating high-end technical manpower across many different regulations while offering employment solutions that were in line with taxation policies. Spencer Ogden needed to offer an end-to-end solution to overcome all of these project requirements.
Recruitment sourcing and vetting of highly skilled renewable technical experts
Mobilisation from home country on 4/1 rotations
Employment contracts compliant with European regional variations
Payroll meeting in-country compliances for social securities and taxes
In country support for accommodation sourcing where required customers’ requirements.
To date, Spencer Ogden has provided hundreds of technical personnel in numerous European destinations, including but not limited to numerous challenging locations, such as the UK, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania and Turkey.
Additionally, our dedicated global mobilisation team has maintained at audit an enviable 100% compliant status across all the EU/EEC nations. This includes employment contracts, taxation, sourcing, along with additional in-country services for items such as transport.
Candidates contacted: 900+
Candidates shortlist screened: 388
Candidate CV’s submitted: 149
Candidates interviewed: 79
Candidates offered: 42
Candidates hired: 38